America-ship is committed to making the shipping solution to Mexico affordable and smooth. No matter you are shipping a parcel, pallets of freight, or even full truck load of merchandise, we handle it for you in a timely and professional manner. Indeed, the custom clearance is a complicated process. But we never leave the complication to our customers. We handle it silently.


What we need from you is to fill the enclosed invoice template. You can download it here.

It is a doc file. The first page has forms, which ask your shipping address, list of items and prices. From the second page, you just need to copy and paste your receipt from your seller or your vendor. You fill the this template and return us the file in a DOC format. Do not convert it to PDF or pictures. Failure to comply with the file format will only causes delays of shipment to your destination in Mexico.


If you have problems, you may review our video – How to prepare invoice for Mexican custom clearance.

#ShippingtoMexico #customclearance #invoicetemplate #freightforwardingtoMexico #crossborder #mexicocustom