DID YOU KNOW? The issue of paying sales tax for items purchased online is a hot-button issue. At least for now, you can buy most merchandise from outside the USA , without paying sales tax! Even though governmental legislators are discussing the issue with some entities in favor of taxation, the opposition is strong enough that it will be a long process. The current bottom line regarding whether or not your item can be taxed is when the buyer and the seller both reside in the same state. In this case, the seller has an obligation to collect sales tax.

However, this is never the case for shoppers outside the country.

NEGOTIATE WITH SELLERS If you are an international shopper conducting business in the USA, you can negotiate with sellers by asking to pay 0% in taxes.

In addition, many sellers offer free domestic shipping. If your seller does not advertise free domestic shipping, ask them directly.

YOUR FREE AMERICA SHIP MAILING ADDRESS With your very own FREE mailing address, provided by www.America-ship.com you can have your tax and duty-free items shipped via free shipping directly to our warehouse in Brownsville, Texas. We will charge you nothing to have your items shipped here!

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