There are many reasons that can delay your shipments. We have found some common mistakes that can slow down shipping. You need to understand the mechanism how America Ship’s pipeline works. Basically, if it goes through the pipeline smoothly, then it is fast, just like a factory. But if there is something that prevents your item(s) to continue on our pipeline, then it slows down the process.

Let’s start from the moment we receive your package. (You are responsible for sending us your packages, or freight pallets).

1. Receiving

The very first step, we check the address on your package. If the address is labelled correctly with your unique identification number, example, #AS-1268, then your package will be classified correctly and it can move on to the queue of check-in. However, if your address does not have the identification “#AS-xxxx”, then it is a disaster. Your package won’t be recognized and it will be put aside in the category of “lost and found”. Therefore, never forget your unique #AS number in the address.

2. Check in

Check-in takes 1-2 business days, depending on the length of the queue. After check-in, an email notice will be sent to you automatically. Your package will be added to the inventory with details such as check-in date, sender, package content, dimension and weight of the package. You can review your inventory in the Customer Portal.

3. Waiting for your request

When you are ready to ship, log in to the customer portal, and submit a request to ship your packages. You can select which packages to ship, to what address, declare the items and prices, upload invoices (if any) to help us with custom clearance. In case your don’t have an invoice handy, you can declare the prices faithfully.

4. Payment

After we receive your request, we will begin to prepare for the shipment: reviewing your items and prices, consolidating your multiple packages, etc. Exact cost will be calculated and an invoice will be sent to you.

When your payment is complete, we proceed to ship it.

5. Shipping it

Because it is international shipping, we have to clear custom for you first, then we can start the shipping journey. It takes 1-2 business days for custom clearance. If any problems (very rare if any) with the custom, we will notify you. The typical problem is that the custom may evaluate a higher price on your merchandise than you claim.

After custom clearance, then the package will be on its way. A tracking number will be sent to you by email automatically. You can trace it.

According to the procedures, what are the common reasons that can delay your shipment?

    • Address without the #AS-xxxx number.
    • Your payment not paid in timely manner.
    • The declared items are not detailed, the prices are lower than the market.


1) My package delivered to America Ship long time ago, but still have not received any notice regarding its check-in ?

Solution: Please log in and submit a help ticket. Please provide some basic information of your package so that we can do our best to find it in the ocean of our warehouse. The tracking number, package content, weight and dimension, when it was delivered, etc. Make sure that your package was properly labeled with the unique #AS-xxxx number.

2) I don’t have invoice for the items in my packages, what can I do for custom declaration?

Solution: declare all the items faithfully such as item description, price, quantity.

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