America Ship Has Launched a New Customer Portal!


America Ship has expanded our Customer Portal, to better manage your shipment needs. To access the Customer Portal, all customers must sign up on our website, even if you have previously registered on our website before.

Once inside the Customer Portal, you are able to do the following:

    • Edit your address
    • Review packages we received on your behalf
    • Submit shipment request
    • Track the status of your shipments
    • And more!


1. Sign up using your email address

Go to In the top right-hand corner of the page, click the “Sign up” tab in the right hand corner of the page.

After clicking, input your name and email address. Please note that the email address must be the same as your account email with America Ship. Click submit. You will receive a confirmation email to set your password.

2. Log in Credentials

After your new password is set, you will be able to log in by utilizing your credentials. Go to, and click “My Account,” which is located in the top right corner.

Alternatively, you can click here:


3. Dashboard and Account Status

Once you log in, you will be able to view your account status. Existing customers will see account status “Active.”

If your account status says “Incomplete,” this means you are new to the system, and you still need to complete your registration. You can do this by clicking “Register,” on the left-hand side of the page.


4. Registration Form

New customers should fill out the registration form, noting that only fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. It will be helpful, however, to include as much information as possible.

Once we receive your registration, we will review it. After your account is approved, your account status will say “Active.”



5. Address Book

In the section marked, “Address Book,” we highly recommended that you add all of your most frequently used addresses. You can come back to this feature in the future to update, add, or delete entries.



6. Submit Shipment Request

Whenever you are ready to ship, simply click on “Submit Shipment Request.” Select inbound packages; declare all applicable items or merchandise. Files supporting your customer declaration need to be uploaded at this time.



7. My Shipment

Select the “My Shipment” tab to review the status of your shipment requests.



8. My Inventory

By selecting “My Inventory,” you can review your complete customer inventory.


9. Sign out and Additional Questions

To log out, click the tab at the top right corner that says, “Sign out.”

Additional questions? Feel free to contact us.

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