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墨西哥FBA 最顺畅的办法就是通过墨西哥DHL。DHL跟亚马逊是伙伴关系,通过DHL发送的包裹,无需预约,不会被拒收,而且会很快上架。 卖家请安以下流程来操作: 1. 在亚马逊平台提交发货计划( Create FBA Shipment)。注意发货地址(Ship From),一定要填墨西哥境内地址,不要填中国地址。这就是告诉亚马逊这批货从墨西哥本土发过来,避免亚马逊觉得关税有问题而拒收。同时,因为是本土发送,才有DHL 选项。 这个墨西哥本土地址就是我们在墨西哥的仓库。 请安一下地址设置Ship...
Transform Your Business: Be Part of Mexico’s Digital Gold Rush Now with Mercado Libre and Amazon FBA
How to get started ? Getting started on shipping to Mexico is straightforward with America Ship. You won't need to go through the challenging process of obtaining an RFC ID or registering your business in Mexico. There is also no need to hire a broker to handle...
美洲快递 – 美墨过境快速物流通道
墨西哥的地理位置优势明显。在当前世界格局变化大趋势之下,墨西哥正用自己的地理,劳力,技术,和语言优势,稳步提升制造业和边境贸易。墨西哥已超过中国,成为与美国外贸的第一大国,2022年 双向贸易额已超过7000亿美元。最近特斯拉决定布局墨西哥,打造全球最大工厂,再词证明墨西哥是机会的沃土。在墨西哥的华人,都有极大的发展空间。 美洲快递公司(America Ship, www.America-Ship.com 成立于2011年,立足美墨边境,专注过境物流,速度快,清关安全,服务周到。公司总部设在...
RFC ID is not mandatory on Amazon Mexico
Do foreigners need a RFC to sell on Amazon Mexico? Foreigners selling on Amazon Mexico don’t necessarily need an RFC (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes) due to recent changes that allow Amazon to collect sales tax on their behalf. However, having an RFC can simplify...
墨西哥和美国之间的边境线很长, 建墙行动并非特朗普时代才开始的,很久之前就是开始零星的建了。正式大规模建墙是2009年布什时代。我们亲眼目睹墙在德州布朗什维尔(Brownsville)竖起。我们公司也参与了相关抗议活动。图一是我们公司在公园自费竖立的标语,至今还在。我们的口号是“建桥梁,不要墙” (No Walls, But Bridges)。很多人直观的以为墙里是美国,墙外是墨西哥,其实不然。墙里是美国,墙外还是美国。墨西哥有很多地方,东南西北,前后左右都是美国, 充分说明美墨之间犬牙交错,不可分割的关系。1840年的美墨战争,...
Houston warehouse open
America Ship is pleased to announce that our new warehouse in Houston Texas is open. Houston is hub city in the USA. The warehouse is only 40 minutes to the port. The warehouse is 100k sqft. We will only receive full truck load or containers in Houston. This new...
Our New Warehouse in ShenZhen, China, Is Open for Business!
Our New Warehouse in ShenZhen, China, Is Open for Business!n WE’RE EXPANDING! America Ship has warehouses in the USA and Mexico, and we are pleased to say that we have added yet another location to our ever-growing list! Our new warehouse in ShenZhen, China is open!...
America Care: Manufacturing Face Masks in the USA
AMERICA CARE Please allow us to introduce to you America Ship's sister company, America Care. Endorsed by the City of Brownsville, Texas, and the Small Business Agency (SBA), America Care has established a fully automatic production line, generating a variety of PPE...
Mexico address change
America Ship is constantly evolving to provide you better services. Effective immediately, our address in Matamoros has been changed to: Receiver Name: Alfonso Landeros Street: Vicente Guerrero No 83 Ln2: (YourName, #AS-YourASnumber) Colonia: Colonia Centro City:...